
凌晨4点 软RAID1数据同步完成

今天在Windows Server 2003 SP2里做镜像卷, 总是失败, 提示:
逻辑磁盘管理器无法更新目标磁盘上任何启动分区的启动文件。请在文件 boot.ini 中或通过 bootcfg.exe 工具来确认 arcpath 清单。
点击确定后虽然显示正在同步, 实际却没有进度更新. 等了一天也没变化, 重启后镜像盘仍然处于未分区状态. 

网上也搜不到解决方法, boot.ini改半天也不行. 看到有人说先ghost过去可以解决. 我又觉得ghost麻烦, 想可能就是开头引导区的事情. 用WinHex, 工具 - 磁盘工具 - 克隆磁盘, 将源盘目标盘设置好, 开始克隆. 差不多进行一分钟取消即可. 一分钟差不多能复制2~3G数据了. 再添加镜像卷, 无错误提示, 开始重新同步, 磁盘上出现黄色叹号, 稍等出现进度报告. 几个小时后, 镜像创建完毕, 叹号消失, 软RAID1成功建立.

Fix the Boot disk mirroring problem on Windows Server 2003 SP2 by using WinHex

When I was adding a mirror to the boot disk in Windows 2003, I got this error message:
Logical disk manager could not update the boot file for any boot partitions on the target disk. Verify your arcpath listings in file boot.ini or through the bootcfg.exe utility.
Although it shows "resyncing" after close the message box, but actually it doesn't. Changing boot.ini manually doesn't make any sense. It seems caused by the boot sector or something related. So I launched WinHex, selected Tools - Disk Tools - Clone Disk, and started it, entire disk to disk. After about one minute, canceled the cloning. It's about 2~3GB data copied in one minute, should be enough. Back to Disk Management in Windows, adding mirror, succeed.
